Today is IDAHOBIT. But what about tomorrow?
Today is IDAHOBIT: the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia.
It's a day in which we make a stand against intolerance and prejudice. It's also a day in which we raise awareness of the ongoing violence and repression LGBT+ communities experience worldwide
My friend Mathew Hulbert has written this for the occasion, which for me perfectly outlines why we need to mark the day - and why resisting homophobia, biphobia, intersexism and transphobia cannot be something that happens once a year.
A day.
A single day.
24 hours where we take a stand.
Against Homophobia. Against Biphobia. Against Transphobia.
Against hate.
A day where we say ‘enough is enough.’
This ends now.
No more bullying, no more name-calling, no more discrimination.
Not this day.
But what about tomorrow?
Will we allow it then?
Is it somehow ‘OK’ if it’s just not today?
Will we turn a blind eye, with a warm glow that we’ve ‘done our bit’?
Because, after all, there’s equality now...isn’t there?
Equality, under the law.
But laws don’t change hearts and minds.
They can still beat with intolerance, fear and hate.
So, we march on.
We speak out.
We raise our rainbow banner high.
We take to the streets, to the corridors of power, and to the airwaves.
With our message of inclusion, of diversity, and of hope.
We just want to be us.
To be free to be who are.
And to love who we love.
Is that so much to ask?
Is that really so hard to accept?
So, thank you.
For being here.
On this day.
It means a lot.
But what about tomorrow?