Electrifying Fair Votes Rally sets mood for Conference

Yesterday was an interesting first day at Party Conference. The highlight was of course the evening "Fair Votes" Rally, conducted in partnership with the Electoral Reform Society.

There were contributions from our own Jo Swinson, Tim Farron (stepping in for Charles Kennedy, who was stuck on a train), Nick Clegg and former broadcaster and MP Martin Bell.

The message was loud and clear: change needs to happen. And the Liberal Democrats, alongside the ERS, are going to be key players in campaigning for change. Bell's contribution was particularly welcome and demonstrated the appetite for electoral reform among progressives from other parties and of none. It was also intertesting to see Labour MP Stephen Twigg campaigning for fairer votes in Liverpool City centre - an indication that party tribalism may be put aside on this crucial issue and a cross party "Yes" campaign, supported but not led by the Lib Dems, can successfully take the argument for reform to voters.

Tim Farron was in particularly good form and demonstrated why he has a potential career in comedy should he ever wish to leave politics.
