My predictions for 2025
It’s 31st December – which of course means it’s time for me to make a few predictions for the coming year. It’s interesting to look over last year’s predictions . My cautious optimism that the Lib Dems would take around 25 seats in the General Election was clearly far too cautious, and while we did win all of the constituencies I said we would we did so much better than I dared imagine. However, my prediction that the election result would be hugely disproportionate with Labour “picking up well over 400 seats with 42% of the vote” was more accurate - in the event they got the same result with around 34% of the vote share. I was clearly absolutely spot-on when I said that “Rishi Sunak’s ineffective leadership will see the Conservatives faring even worse in a General Election than they did in 1997, taking less than 30% for the first time since the emergence of party politics.” All of the Conservative MPs I predicted to lose their seats did - with the unfortunate exceptions of Esther McVe...